

Multiple Interdisciplinary Projects of School of New Media and Communication Were Approved


  The School of New Media and Communication of Tianjin University has been committed to exploring the integration of New Liberal Arts and Emerging Engineering disciplines, actively conducting interdisciplinary research in line with the development trend of intelligent media technology. Since 2024, five related interdisciplinary projects of the School have been approved, including two projects of National Social Science Fund of China, two of National Natural Science Fund of China, and one of MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences. These projects cover fields like computer science, journalism and communication, management, etc.

  Associate Professor Lu Jiahui’s project Research on the Transmission Mechanism and Intervention Strategies of Economic Uncertainty Expectations in Online Public Opinion delves into the transmission mechanism of economic uncertainty expectations in online public opinion and proposes effective strategies to intervene in public uncertainty expectations. Associate Research Fellow Yang Yilu’s project researches on the Mechanisms and Paths to Enhance the Cognition and Identity of China from the Perspective of Civilization View. promoting an objective understanding of China’s modernization achievements, etc.

  The research of Professor Wang Zan in the field of quality assurance for deep learning models focuses on theories and methods related to testing and upgrading the regression defects of deep learning models, which is of great significance for ensuring the quality of these models. The outcomes of this project will also have a significant impact on improving the quality of intelligent applications in the field of journalism and communication. The application of relevant project research results to deep learning models will effectively reduce the risk of bias and misleading in information dissemination, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information and further promoting the intelligent and high-quality development of the journalism and communication industry.

  Young scholar Huang Dian focuses on human-machine cooperation and conducts research on human-machine cooperation manufacturing in complex interaction modes, developing and refining theoretical research in this field and providing important references for enterprise practice. Additionally, Huang’s project has also been approved for MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences. This marks the first time of both natural science and social science research projects simultaneously, reflecting the characteristics of interdisciplinary integration of the School.